Wednesday, April 18, 2018

My favorite DMO and destination with the best practice of sustainability

Saba is a five square mile island located in the Dutch Caribbean near St. Kitts and St. Bart. Saba is known as the unspoiled queen of the Caribbean Sea because it seems to be untouched by modernization. Saba has changed hands between the Dutch, French, Spanish, and English for nearly two centuries. Currently, the island is controlled by the Dutch. Saba’s economy relied on Saba lace which is straw weaving, and for many years women would create Saba lace items and ship them around the world. Recently the demand for Saba lace has decrease and it has become a dying art (Saba Tourism Bureau, n.d.). This has created a demand for tourism to the island since it is a pristine Caribbean island.

The Saba Tourism Bureau was created by the Island Government of Saba in 1977 and has grown into Saba’s destination management organization. The Saba Tourism Bureau was formed to provide information and promote the island’s tourism, with the launching of their website in 1996 they have opened the unspoiled queen to the world (Saba Tourism Bureau, n.d.). Saba is a pristine oasis that has not caught up to modern advances, so the island seems to transport you back in time. The island has not been exploited for its natural resources because it has taken precautions to preserve its natural beauty, through conservation parks.

The Best Practice of Sustainability: Conservation

Saba is an immaculate island because of its constant efforts to preserve their habitat and culture. Protecting their environment through conservation is the best practice of sustainability because it ensures that their destination will retain its natural value. The Saba Conservation Foundation was founded in 1987 and is a non profit organization that has a ten person board of directors and seven full time employees. The organization is in charge of managing the Saba Marine Park, Saba Trail network, and the Saba Trail and Information Center. Saba first started its mission for nature conservation in 1987 when they created the Saba Marine Park which surrounds the island. The Saba government worked hand in hand with the conservation foundation to create protected areas, so that  Saba does not lose its natural resources and beauty. The Marine park keeps the coral reef ecosystem flourishing, which supports over 150 different species. The island's trail network promotes eco-tourism and instructs tourists to become aware of their conservation efforts. The island has also taken an old mining field and turned it into a conservation park. They understand that they cannot undo the damage that has already occurred, but they want to prevent any further disruptions to the island. Currently, Saba is in the process of creating more protected areas and is working with the Federal Ordinance Nature Conservation to ensure certain areas where species need to be protected. If the ordinance passes they will design more protected areas where strict conservation is enforced (Saba Conservation Foundation, n.d.). 

Saba Marine Park

Saba's Marine Park has an abundance of marine life because Saba has created strict restrictions on fishing, anchoring and diving. Research has shown that over 150 healthy species of marine life are thriving because such restrictions. Saba's Marine Park has developed a zoning system to show restricted areas and other areas that show different marine life. This is the best solution because it shows recreational zones, multi-purpose zones, and no-take zones (Saba Conservation Foundation, n.d.). Therefore, tourists encouraged to enjoy the environment without destroying it. 

Saba Trail Network

On the island there are three main vegetation zones which are around Mount Scenery, hill tops, and meadow areas. On top of Mount Scenery there is thick vegetation within the Elfin Forest, covering about 20 acres of land. Most species reside at the hill tops and slops because they are filled with tall vegetation. The grassy meadows have small shrubs but do not have vegetation near the shore due to the steep cliff drop offs that go straight to the shore line (Saba Conservation Foundation, n.d.). The environment is healthy because Saba ensures that tourists are aware of nature conservation before they travel on hiking trails.

Saba also prohibits the establishment of commercial franchises on the island, which keeps the economy of Saba rooted in their history and culture. This allows locals to be involved in tourism and receive the benefits of tourism dollars. It also creates an opportunity for locals to share their unique culture with tourists, which adds to the small island charm. Saba tries to preserve every part of the island to its original state before European settlers found it in 1640 (Saba Tourist Bureau, n.d.). 

Why is this the Best Practice?

Conservation allows the island to retain its natural beauty and qualities, which seem to slip away once mass tourism and commerce is introduced to a Caribbean island. Preservation and conservation allows the destination to use its natural resources as a tool to attract tourists. Using nature conservation allows Saba to attract tourists that are interested in eco-tourism. By using it's natural resources, Saba is differentiating themselves from other islands because “a destination’s physiography and climate make up the one parameter of core attractiveness ” (Ritchie and Crouch, 2011, p. 331). Without its natural resources and small island charm, Saba has nothing to offer that differentiates themselves from other Caribbean islands. Therefore, it is important to preserve the island and allow its natural resources to shine and display the history and culture of Saba. “For many destinations, these natural phenomena represent the lifeblood of their tourism industries, and any decline in their value will have an adverse effect on the destination” (Ritchie and Crouch, 2011, p. 327-328). Therefore it is important for Saba to continue their conservation efforts because it is the lifeblood of this destination. It is also a way to preserve the island for generations to come. Future generations will be able to observe the diverse wildlife and flora this quaint island has to offer. 

Benefits and Consequences for Consumers

Some of the benefits wildlife preservation provides for consumers is that they are experiencing a unique culture and environment that is intact and healthy. Saba has a unique culture because they have embedded sustainability and preservation into their culture. This is an island that appears untouched by modernization, and the consumer is transported through time before technology and industrialization. The consumer is able to breathe fresh air and take in the scenery unlike metropolitan destinations.There are hiking paths that explore the volcanic mountain, tropical forests, and breath-taking views. The island also has a diverse marine life in their marine park, which is perfect for tourists who enjoy snorkeling and scuba diving. It is the perfect island get-away from people, a place where tourists can truly relax and enjoy nature.

The consequence for consumers are that the island does not have modern amenities. The topography lacks large skyscrapers, large hotels, and countless restaurants. Guests stay in small cottages and adapt to the traditional lifestyles, they are not pampered with lavish hotel rooms and servants. Saba is quaint and only has one small airport, therefore tourists fly into St. Maarton’s international airport then take a twelve-minute flight to Saba. This creates transportation issues in in-climate weather. For consumers who are not outdoor enthusiasts, this island an ideal destination. The island also does not have any beaches since it was formed by a volcano the shore line is very jagged. Therefore, a consumer cannot lay out on a beach and enjoy the sand and sun, and instead would have to dive in and explore the ocean hands on.

Benefits and Consequences for the Destination, Tourism Industry, and the Local Residents

Some benefits for local residents are that since the island prohibits franchises, it provides an opportunity for local businesses to flourish. Restaurants are able to present authentic cuisine that demonstrates Saba culture, which enriches the tourist's experience. Some "residents regarded tourism as a means of helping them learn about, share, and preserve their culture" (Morrison, 2013, p. 225). This prevents the island from becoming over commercialized therefore the local community immediately benefits from the tourism economic impact. Benefits for Saba are that the environment has not been exploited. "Destinations with rich and spectacular natural resources tend to be the most popular destinations", this shows that Saba's natural resources attract tourists (Morrison, 2013, p. 477). Because of their conservation efforts Saba has a private destination feel, and its conservation efforts ensure that the island will attract tourists for generations to come. Saba's culture and history is intact which differentiates itself from other Caribbean islands. Saba tourism uses its resources as its best asset to attract eco-tourism, which creates a lasting attraction for tourists. 

Some consequences for the local residents are that the island has not been receiving as many tourists as it used to. Therefore, the tourism industry which provides for many families on the island is suffering and affecting the economy. Another consequence is that since the island does not allow major franchises the local residents need to make their local businesses appealing to international guests and handle the volume of tourists. Saba does not have aggressive marketing; therefore many people do not know about the island and it's vow to be nature conservation destination. Many Caribbean islands attract tourists because of their beaches, however since Saba has steep cliffs to the shore line Saba does not have any relaxing beaches, which some tourists prefer. This differentiates Saba from the typical Caribbean island vision. 

How can this Best Practice be Encouraged for Other DMOs

Saba can encourage other destinations to redesign their vision and create more conservation reservations. Nature conversations have proven fruitful for Saba and attract eco-tourism, which is beneficial to their economy. By encouraging conservation, other destinations can attract a new market segment and generate more tourism dollars. By re-positioning their destination and focusing on how their destination is perceived, it can provide a new perspective for tourists (Ritchie and Crouch, 2011). This practice can be encouraged by showing the positive results generated from nature conservation. Nature conversations can be created through partnerships, Saba can share their sustainability practices with other countries as well as provide advice to them. "DMOs and their partners are getting more involved in joint programmes related to sustainable tourism" (Morrison, 2013, p. 209). Collaboration can create new ideas and spread nature conservation. 

The Organization that Should be in Charge of Encouraging More Sustainable Practices by DMOs

Government and non-government organizations should work together to expand their social responsibility. “There has to be a willingness on both sides to work together and so all partners must have a win-win mentality” (Morrison, 2013, p.204). Collaboration between government and non-government organizations is necessary to spark new ideas, prevent group think, and encourage the use of outside resources. Both the government and non-government organizations should be involved because “Sustainability is the responsibility of all those involved in tourism” (United Nations Environment Program and World Tourism Organization, 2005, p.15). The private sector controls most of the DMOs, however the government can also help to entice organizations to become more sustainable. It is hard for DMOs to make a difference because sustainability involves many public entities such as water, air, cultural, land, and natural heritage which is controlled by governments. Governments have the power to create regulations and policies, and by working together with the private sector they can encourage more sustainable practices (United Nations Environment Program and World Tourism Organization, 2005).